2011.11 Tallinn - Klooga-Rand - Tallinn


See paarike.
Väljapeetud riided, mustas, ilusad
ja edukad noored inimesed.
Kotte nad ei kanna.
Kui romantiline väljasõit.
Kui kummalised need kõrge kontsaga
läikiv-mustad saapad
vastlangenud esimesel õrnal lumel.
Nad hoidsid käest kinni. Naersid.


2011.12 Tartu - Orava


sel teadustajal
on sügav ja veenev hääl
nagu mõnel näitlejal
"järgmine peatus on
ma kuulen kadunud Ehini hääle
rong on täiesti tühi


2006.04 Voronezh - Sochi (Rostov-na-Don)

reference by: Markus Vihma
picture by: Helena Kaisma


2011.11. Tartu - Puka - Tartu

pictures by: Madis Katz








Mujal / Elsewhere

texts and pictures by: Yegane Derya Türksever
picture order by: matarebeliblog


I’m Ğ.
You cannot pronounce my name.
You even don’t know my name.
I wake up in the middle of the night and I eat carrots.
While I eat carrots, I listen to him leaning against the wall of the kitchen.
I realized that I was the same person despite going to wherever I could go.
The place where I am not in seems peaceful to me.
I’d like to go till the end of my life. I’d like to go through end of my life and consider.
Who is the bravest one?
Sometimes I drink soup.
Rarely milk.
I’m Ğ.
Does it make sense even if we change the places we live although we cannot change?
Continually carrots.


He said: “Get your bag packed. We’re going to elsewhere.”
Eventhough I didn’t even think of asking, he added: “But I won’t tell you where we’ll go. Actually as a native of this country, I’ve never been around there. I want all of you get surprised.”
I conceive that nothing is a surprise to me and naturally I receive everything with no restrictions whatsoever and yet unconditionally.
There were troubles that I couldn’t face so I couldn’t fix. Anyway, then a state of “skipping things and letting them to go” embraced me. Things that buffet me around and furthermore smooth my sharp points to force me to grow up. I don’t want to grow up. I don’t... I won’t…
Imagine a girl who is too young and too naive but yet so ripe. She said that she couldn’t understand desire of people on vanishing. We laughed aloud.
While we were talking about my story, we figured out that the real madness was “skipping things and letting them to go”. All the things I make is not plausible but explainable.
He told me: “Surprise!” He didn’t notice that he couldn’t surprise me.


I followed him around once again being unconscious about our route. I was thinking if the things I follow around to obtain something new is the truth everbody search during their lives or the tickery that they believe in owing to feeling theirselves being soothed.
Probably I have nothing to do better than to go so that I was going.
Much later we got off the train at a very close point that I have learnt so later that is close to Russian border. While he said “Ok, we will walk a little.” with a peculiar light in his eyes, I realized that much more that “a little” expects to me but I had to get a grip on this irony.
-          Do you still think that you are in hell?
-          Well, first of all I thought that so but from now on I think that I’m in paradise.
-          Paradise? Good!
I said that he couldn’t surprise me but I was wrong this time. He surprised and this was the thing I had to get a grip on.

Mujal / Elsewhere

text and pictures by: Julia Worsch
picture order and text editing: matarebeliblog



Struggling to find a glimpse of a calm moment, I found it on a beach, next to the city. What I never expected. We were still so close to a busy city and at this place there was even nothing - except nature. It was the most positive experience I have ever made. I realized even if I could manage to find a completely empty space it wouldn‘t be empty, I would be in it.
 I have never experienced an empty space, not just physically, but mentally. I live a life where I am often so busy fulfilling the demands and the expectations of other people, that I am not able to step back and enjoy life in a true empty space.
But I got another chance on one of the trips: The few minutes silence alone in the woods I came as close as I have ever gotten to feeling an empty space, I have rarely felt so alive. Being somewhere, elsewhere, a kind of lost in the hugh nature.



Mujal / Elsewhere

text and picture by: Martina Fleck
text editing: matarebeliblog

photographic horizon


Going to a total unknown place without the possibility of informing about that spot before the trip, was a very unusual and strange experience in the beginning. But at the latest after the second trip, I really liked that little Estonian adventure and was looking forward to every next journey. With every trip my picture of Estonia got bigger and bigger and I somehow felt, that I learned something about the country and the people there on
every single tour.


While I was reflecting for the regular discussions to given topics during our trips was the time when I realised, that going to Estonia was also going elsewhere for me. Sure, normally that should be logically. But to be honest, it never came to my mind before. Humans always try to do something new, something they have never done before, something their friends haven‘t done, something they cannot do at home. But it would be really simple to go elsewhere in your own country, experience something totally new in the neighbourhood. Just start looking at things closer and not from an somehow arrogant
point of view. Of course going elsewhere is always more intensive when you do not speak the language of a country, for example. But it is possible to go elsewhere everywhere.


At the beginning going to Estonia meant going elsewhere for me. Of course, I read something about the country in books and travelguides, saw one documentary about the european cultural capital 2011 on TV and read about Estonia in newspapers from time to time. But nevertheless it was a dark spot in the map of my mind.
Estonia? Why are you going to Estonia? That is what a lot of people in Austria asked me.
Estonia? Why does a girl from Austria come to Estonia? That was the question I heard the most, here in Estonia.
You could have chosen Spain or Italy or another country were it is nicely warm, was the comment of people in both countries.
Yes, I know! But I wanted to go to Estonia!
I wanted to go – e l s e w h e r e!


Mujal / Elsewhere

text and picture by: Tadas Umaras

Man has a right to…

Everything what is good has to end. But just for new beginnings. Everyone has a right to explore new.

It’s not bad that it ended, it’s good that it started. There is a reason why it happened. And why it happened when it happened. It is always good when something is happening. Happening = happyness.  
Lets get into pursuit of happyness. But we must remember that happyness only real when shared…

Mujal / Elsewhere

text and video by: Karoliina Hautajärvi


Something originally unfamiliar is not weird. Something familiar becomig unfamiliar intensifies the feeling of elsewhere.
Someone familiar is intensively unfamiliar when being spiritually elsewhere.